Fall on the Farm

 Life on the farm completely changes in fall just like the leaves do.

Clarabelle and Dolly

Pippi gets some lunch

Hunting season is here, our gardens have been tilled under, manure has been spread in the east field, and soon, the smoky smell of burning leaves will fill the air, and a few more trees will be cut down to fuel our hungry firebox.

Hunting is a favorite time of year for all the male members of our family, and, for everyone else too, for there isn't anything better than fresh venison back straps for dinner! My Mom likes it, not because of the venison tasting good, because she doesn't care for it, but because it always fills the gap in our freezer when beef starts running low! On Saturday my Dad shot a small doe, but didn't end up killing her. The bolt broke off in her, lodged somewhere in between her shoulder blades, and we found the blot, but no signs of distress, or a carcass. She will heal up, and her ribs will grow around the bolt, and she will live another day!


Out in the cow pasture, grass is starting to become slim pickins'. The cows have stripped all the leaves off the trees, and the grass has slowed way up in it's growth rate. Thankfully though, we won't have to buy hay for a while, because we laid in a large supply in August of 200 bales, which will last us quite a ways!

This time I am posting pictures of the cows, amature though they may be! Also, some of the beautiful trees that have just burst into the brightest of colors. There is a tree on the trail near our farm  that looks like a plume of bright orange flame. It is my favorite tree yet this year!

The woods are changing color fast!

And finally, the Presidential Election of November 3rd. Who will win, Trump, or Biden?

Pray hard that God blesses America by letting Trump be re-elected . 

Every day, thousands of innocent children are murdered in the safest place a baby could be: inside their own Mother's womb. Murdered by selfish people, who, by abortion, have deprived their child of a chance at Eternal life with God in Heaven.

Help end this by your Pro-Life Vote! 

Vote Pro-God, Pro-Life, Pro-Guns, and Pro-Freedom!

 Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5


  1. Thank you for checking out my blog Renee! One post you may also like is the one called, Always be Brave! God Bless you, and have a great day!


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