Who we are...

Way, way far out, in what many people consider the middle of nowhere, is a tiny rural town, that has a bowling alley and a post office.
And little further in, down a small country road, across the old train tracks, is our farm.
It's the prettiest place around, especially in the summer, with all the gorgeous wild flowers growing, and new calves kicking their heels in the deep clover.
There is ten acres on our small Sugar N Spice Farm, all being put to good use! My parents raise Hereford cattle for beef for our table, and sometimes other people as well. We also currently have two Great White hogs, Laurel and Hardy, who are about 350 pounds each, and they are going to the butcher tomorrow. Yay! All that delicious pork!
We also have three dogs, Rosie, a Chocolate Lab, and Cookie and Pepper, two little Border Collie/Rat Terrier cross puppies. All three dogs are constantly together, swimming, fighting, playing, and of course, wrecking the flower beds...☹️ But, before I go into further detail, I'd like to tell about US, the actual farmers!
My Dad and Mom own our Sugar and Spice Farm.
My Dad loves farming, and always has, and spends every extra minute he has on his John Deere tractor, pushing dirt around, or with our cows, or, re-doing all the landscape, constantly keeping our farm the loveliest place around!
My Mom lived in the city before she married my Dad, but now she loves farming now just as much as my Dad. She home-schools all nine of us, and keeps the home fires burning while Dad works.
And  finally, all the junior farm hands, all nine of us.  We kids are so blessed to have loving parents that are open to life, and gave us many siblings to be our best friends!
Mom and Dad also gave us the most beautiful gift they could, the gift of Our Catholic faith at Baptism. We are truly blessed!
We are so happy here on the farm! Stay tuned for more posts about our life, and adventures here on the farm!

"Rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4



  1. Replies
    1. That is neat. We don't do that, but we have a graduation party for those of us who graduate!


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